9 Hole Golf Express


  • Limited time?

  • Keen on exercise?

  • Enjoy fresh air with stunning views?

  • Eager to tee up and whack some balls?

Then read on ………

Busy, busy, busy. Modern day life doesn’t seem to leave much room for anything these days - let alone four hour plus rounds of golf and a nice relaxing pint and natter in the clubhouse.

Well, here at Churchill & Blakedown, just a driver and wedge off the A456 we have some good news. You can get your golfing fix on one of the most picturesque settings in North Worcestershire, enjoy a refreshing drink and be driving back out of the club in a little over two hours.

A quick nine is the current buzz word in golf. It’s even a national campaign - Golf Express was launched nationally by England Golf two years ago to promote the idea. This campaign doffs a cap to the fact that while lifestyles have changed people still love golf and that 9-holes can be just as challenging, relaxing and enjoyable as 18 (although we hasten to add that if you prefer 18 holes then two circuits of Churchill – with different tees for the back nine – offers one of the longest in North Worcestershire.)

But this article is about the 9-holes so why not come and see what we have to offer:

  • Variety of testing holes
  • Superb views (plus best pint on a patio bar none)
  • Great hospitality and fantastic social scene.
  • Have as much fun, competition, excitement, exercise and relaxation as you could wish for – and still be back to ferry the kids from football or dash to the supermarket.

And if that hasn’t swung it here are some other reasons:

  • Relaxation – is there a better way to unwind after work?
  • Health benefits – it’s not just great fun but good for you – ask your doctor!
  • In a 9-hole round a player will walk two to three miles, take over 5000 steps and burn over 450 calories.
  • The appeal of the 9-hole game, which is compatible with the Rules of Golf and the handicap system, has also prompted the R&A to launch a new 9-hole championship for amateurs and Scottish Golf is also promoting the shorter format.
  • It’s outdoors – fresh air, the smell of freshly cut fairways – need we go on.

** For visitor fees click here or call the pro shop on 01562 700454 and speak to Angus, Phil or Joe to find out more about golf at Churchill & Blakedown – the best kept secret in the Midlands.