The Management Committee hope you and your families remain safe and healthy during the weeks ahead.  Our thoughts go out to anyone affected either directly or indirectly. The reality is though that all of us are affected in some way with an uncertain period of time ahead. Though all matches and competitions at this stage are cancelled, the current restrictions do not prevent golf being played provided we take precautions. Indeed being outdoors and exercising is still beneficial to us all.


As we are all aware the virus is very contagious. All the Golf Governing bodies have agreed a set of measures which they believe will minimise the chances of infection. The committee have drafted up this document and it will be in action from today.  Members or visitors who have a cough, cold or symptoms of the COVID-19 should not visit the Club. Always maintain a minimum of 2 metres  from your playing partners.  Do not shake hands before or after the round. Only touch and pick up your own ball. Ideally you should have hand wipes or sanitiser in your bag.  The Pro shop staff are willing to bring out items required onto the patio, score cards etc. To minimise the use of the locker rooms, players can change their shoes on the car park, those members with lockers should minimise the time in the locker room, keeping the 2 metre rule in mind.  Showers should not be used.


 The following action has been taken around the course:

All potential contamination sources have been removed i.e. rakes, ball washers, bins, divot boxes, tee cups and putting green flags. Please do your best with levelling sand after you have been in a bunker. Green staff will endeavour to rake bunkers daily. The airlines have also been removed. The hole liners have been turned upside down, to a level where the ball will just drop slightly into hole. Do not touch or remove flags. Ring the course bells by using the end of your club, where that’s not possible on the 9th/18th just play ultra-carefully. Where balls land by signs, marker posts or out of bounds markers etc., move the ball not the post, sign or marker.


At the moment, until further information is received from the Government, we will maintain bar and catering services. We have a cleaning regime second to none and have instructed staff to minimise potential contamination points. Members’ cards need not be handed over to the bar staff, accounts will be adjusted by the bar staff through the till, a slightly slower process, so bear with us. In light of the reduced clubhouse usage we will be closing as the course gets quiet and members are not about.

Further information will notified as it becomes available.