Purpose of members' area

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    It would be interesting to explore the reasons for having a members’ area.
    Tweets come through at regular intervals.

    We have an update which goes out weekly and is now providing more information than diary entries.

    How did I do provides emailed details of competition results to those who care to register and printouts are posted after the close of each competition.

    Should the website be aimed at members or does it serve as advertising to prospective visitors and potential members?

    When did you last go to the website for information might be a question to pose to members as you meet with them.



    Hi Chris,

    My understanding of the members’ area is to provide information to people which goes beyond what we want to publish on the main site where it is visible to the public. The core of the website is there as an advertisement but I think it can be aimed at both existing and prospective members as well as potential customers of other services the club can offer beyond golf. Development of the members’ area could set ourselves apart from other clubs and encourage more visibility of goings on. As someone who doesn’t make it to the club often enough to feel fully involved, I think it would be of benefit.

    Some other ways we can develop this: (I’m flying kites here)
    – Add in a members’ shop perhaps offering a click of collect service
    – Add course notifications with images such as GUR or temporary greens notification.
    – The club pro project needs somewhere where information can be accessed providing a history and timeline of developments. Something I don’t imagine we’ll be sharing with our competitors.
    – It has been suggested to me that members could book tee times for competitions perhaps removing the need for paper time sheets in the future (I’m dubious about this one as I can’t see it suiting all members just yet)
    – Post images to potentially be featured on the site. New content is always welcome and is essential.
    – Discuss current news – opening up conversation between members who may not have even met.

    I agree that howdidido provides competition results and I have advised others that I don’t think the club would benefit from investing in this functionality through the website as the monetary investment required would be unjustified when an “off the shelf” solution is available free to those who want it.

    I agree that we should be asking the members how they would like to use the site. Perhaps put together a survey which can be filled out over the next couple of months with a box for entries in the clubhouse. Some may wish to stick with what we have currently. I’d rather know now than build functionality for the sake of a few people who may benefit. The suggestions I have made above may be beyond what the club wants or needs at the moment.

    I would also like to see members engaging with the main site as well, posting comments on the news section, sharing things through social media, which will benefit the site for SEO purposes.

    It will be good to open up discussion between the group we have given access to for the time being. I’m open to all ideas 🙂



    Was surprised that all of your reply came through via email rather than a notification of a follow up.




    I can only echo Lucy’s thoughts and views. I believe that we cannot communicate enough and OK if the same information is available in two places, surely better that than not at all. At the moment it is just I and mainly Lucy that have provided the content and layout. It surely will expand/dilute/be more appropriate or whatever over time. We hope it will be driven by members’ needs.
    The simple idea of the “Noticeboard” for example is to provide a mirror of just that, ie the noticeboard at the Club. Therefore, you can receive the information in another way. At the moment I am just posting stuff to make sure it works.
    As Lucy says we are very open to ideas because we want to give folks something useful.



    Sorry for taking so long to make comments but here goes……
    Firstly well done everyone for getting this going. My comments are probably biased towards new members, as a reasonably ‘new’ member these are just suggestions;
    – On the contact page could there be a place to down load a photo? Very helpful when you don’t know who’s who.
    – Competitions – Could there be a page which lists all of the comps, what they are, who they are aimed at, where to sign up etc (ladies already have some of this info in a file) date by which to sign up, how to find a partner, etc. New members don’t enter a lot of the comps because they dont know this info.
    – Message Board – to leave a message asking for a partner for a comp
    – Diary – more information in the link on each diary entry
    – Mobile Phone – needs to be more compatible with phone – I preferred the diary when you tried it as a list Lucy, it was easier to use. Photos don’t open easily
    – Congrats Board Page for weekly competition winners.
    Hope this is helpful




    Some great ideas there, it is very helpful because us that are long in the tooth find it particularly difficult to put ourselves in the shoes of a newer member.




    Hi Angela,

    Thanks for taking the time to come back with those suggestions 🙂

    – Profile pictures are possible, rather than reinvent the wheel, there is a paid solution which is £39.99 so I’ll leave that with Chris to pitch to whoever would need to sign that off.

    – A comps page would be easy to set up if I can get the content sent over to me

    – We could integrate this into the forum perhaps? Alternatively, I can look at creating a separate section for this.

    – This is one for Chris. The diary is run through Google Calendar and more information can be added quite easily.

    – It seems that the diary is broken! I’ll have a look at fixing that. The list should be appearing.

    – Congrats board could work much the same as the latest events page so easily done!




    Thanks Lucy



    Disappearing diary

    The diary isn’t so much broken as has disappeared behind a link called For a calendar view, or if you wish to subscribe to our calendar, please click here.

    It was simply exposed before which was much simpler to access

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by pperry.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by pperry.
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